Tag: runners
The Runners: Chapter 8
Chapter 8 In the fall of the year 2115, the 21 nations of the UN Security Council or UNSC had convened to determine the fate of the UN Citizen Identification Enforcement Act, known as the UNCID-EA. After the end of the devastating wars lasting decades, the world was increasingly converging into a one political system…
The Runners: Chapter 7
Chapter 7 ‘Ring, Bang, Bang, Ring’ David opened his eyes to the thundering sounds of his alarm clock. Reaching for the clock on the lamp stand next to his bed, he noticed the current time of 5:45AM. He hit the snooze and fell back into his bed. Crossing his hands on the top of his…
The Runners: Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Jacob and his friends were next in line to go through the security checkpoint. Once people reached this point, the lines seemed to be moving rather quickly. The travelers would place their luggage into a container to be scanned by a machine. Once a clear signal for the carry-on was given, the owner…