Tag: runners
The Runners: Chapter 23
Chapter 23 Jacob came down, walked past by the check-in desk and headed straight to the ‘Blue Ocean Restaurant’. He was running ten minutes behind the meet-up time. He stepped into the restaurant and quickly surveyed the area to locate his friends. The restaurant ostensibly showed off an ocean themed décor. Near the entrance, he…
The Runners: Chapter 22
Chapter 22 It has been a terrific first day for the four friends in Cancun, Mexico. The wonders of the simulated world, the fresh water, wind, sun, scent of nature, along with the many guests excited their senses more than the real world has ever stimulated them. They took in leisurely swim in the hotel…
The Runners: Chapter 21
Chapter 21 David walked in to the conference room on the 4th floor at precisely 1:30PM. A simple spacious rectangular room with tall ceiling, there weren’t any windows to speak of in the conference room. Once the door was closed, the room became perfectly sealed and not even a loud scream would escape beyond its…