Tag: runners

  • The Runners: Chapter 17

    Chapter 17 David drove westbound on Lawrence Avenue.  He has never been to this part of the town, but found it to be a pleasant one.  As he drove, he saw newly remodeled buildings on either side of the street.  Most buildings seemed to have been torn down and rebuilt at no taller than three…

  • The Runners: Chapter 16

    Chapter 16 “These UNBI thugs, they think they own the world.  I want this and I want that!  These asses don’t realize how much work it involves to get this s— prepared for them!”  A man in his early 40’s was lashing out at something in his office.  His grievances continued as he reluctantly inserted…

  • The Runners: Chapter 15

    Chapter 15 On a glorious day of April 2170, the research team gathered in the living room on the first floor, anticipating the arrival of Dr. Chandler.  They sat in groups of threes and fours engaged in small chit chats.  “What is your plan once we leave this lab?  I mean, what, are you going…