Tag: runners
The Runners: Chapter 14
Chapter 14 A lone brick building, single story high, about the size of 100,000 sq ft stood in a desolate desert, 50 miles west of Phoenix. There weren’t any occupied manmade structures within 100 mile radius. A private company called Bio3DN Technology Corporation or B3DN-T had purchased the entire land from a very rich individual…
The Runners: Chapter 13
Chapter 13 The main access of the VTT building was primarily utilized by the travelers. The employees of the VTT, its associates, or anyone not traveling, but needed access to the building to tend to other business matters must go around towards the rear of the building. Reminiscent of a moat surrounding a castle in…
The Runners: Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Early morning of the next day, David had paid a visit to Northern Meat Packing, International on the south side of Chicago. He met with Lahey’s former supervisor at the loading docks. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to obtain any new information other than reinforcing the statement that Haney had given him the other…