Chapter 23
Jacob came down, walked past by the check-in desk and headed straight to the ‘Blue Ocean Restaurant’. He was running ten minutes behind the meet-up time. He stepped into the restaurant and quickly surveyed the area to locate his friends. The restaurant ostensibly showed off an ocean themed décor. Near the entrance, he found several life sized seagulls and two scaled down yet, large blue whales hanging directly above his head. The birds seemed to be in active flight motion while the whales appeared to be swimming gracefully. Two of the sea birds appeared as if they had located preys in the ocean and were in active pursuit. With their wings tightly tucked in against their bodies and their beaks pointing directly down at the buffet table, where abundance of food was laid out, they appeared to be in active diving forms in their pursuit for food.
The buffet table was located at the center of the restaurant. The large tables, covered with white and blue table cloths were arranged together in an oval shape. Several chefs were busily preparing ready to order foods at the center section of the table. Placed on top of a large platform that had been raised by several feet, the hungry guests had the full view of the buffet regardless of where they were seated. Every guest had to walk up several steps in order to fill their plates. However, that wasn’t a deterrent at all as Jacob saw the guests encircling the buffet table, picking foods to satisfy their gastronomic desires.
Decorated in abundantly bright colors, the restaurant was very spacious. There were blue, red, yellow, orange, and other warm lively coral colors that created harmonious appearance of a living oceanic ecosystem. To enhance the oceanic theme, distinctive sections were created within the restaurant by decorating in different core coral colors. One section highlighted heavy orange while another had more reddish and maroon combination of colors, reflecting the varying warmth of the ocean water.
Quickly sizing up the area, Jacob determined that there were over 100 tables that were enough to seat over 500 diners at full capacity. He saw the servers busily removing empty plates and used utensils from guests’ tables then carrying them to the cart at the central collection area. From there, another individual would pull the cart away into the kitchen to be washed. New plates and utensils replaced those used ones on their tables while emptying food containers were constantly replenished by freshly prepared entrees. The restaurant staff was constantly on the move, which indicated how well the guests were being served.
Almost all the tables appeared to be occupied. Jacob located several adorable, but unsupervised kids disorderly running around prompting some of guests to complain to their servers. They went even further by admonishing the children for misbehaving. In response, the scared little children ran back to their parents for assurance. Jacob could not help, but wonder how some people could be bothered by such adorable kids in a paradise like this. Besides, there was already unbearable amount of noise from the sheer activities that were going on inside the restaurant that a few kids shouldn’t be of any bother.
As Jacob looked beyond the buffet section, the tall floor to ceiling glass wall came into his view. The windows provided panoramic outside views of the swimming pool, soft white clouds, and endless blue skies. He stood there looking awed, briefly forgetting the fact that he was feeling hungry. Moments later, it finally came to him that he would not be able to locate his friends just by standing at the entrance. So, he decided to walk around in order to search various sections of the restaurant to find his friends.
Jacob took a few steps and turned to the ‘Coral Themed’ area of the restaurant. Half way to that section, he suddenly turned and headed towards the buffet table. It dawned on him that since the buffet table was raised up higher than other parts of the restaurant, Jacob figured on taking full advantage of the vantage point the height would provide him.
“I should be able to locate them from up there!” Jacob told himself as he quickly changed his direction to the buffet.
As soon as Jacob got to the top of the platform, he was immediately taken by the enticing aroma of fresh foods being prepared by the chefs as well as mountains of fresh fruits, vegetables, rich condiments for pancakes, toasts, waffles, and muffins. There were strong and rich aroma of vanilla, mocha, and other richly flavored coffees. Such luring aroma could only be generated from the finest coffee beans that were just recently been roasted to perfection. Jacob understood why people would pay the ‘BIG’ bucks to travel with VTT. Such plentifulness wasn’t something that could be easily seen outside of this man made paradise that even Jacob began believing that this place could not be, not real. He felt drawn to the food and was savoring the aromatic pleasures when he heard his name being called.
“JACOB! OVER HERE!” Jason shouted and motioned to Jacob from a table next to the glass wall. Many guests, who were sitting between Jason and the buffet table, stopped eating their foods. They halted morning chats and turned to look at Jason in sheer look of surprise. About five tables over from Jason, the old lady, who gave Jason a hard time in the transport bubble ride was walking towards her table when she heard Jason calling for Jacob.
‘Clank’, ‘Caching’, startled by Jason’s holler, the old woman nervously dropped the plate that she was carrying to the floor, which had been filled with fresh cooked omelet, fresh fruits, and a cup of coffee.
The old lady stood, shivering for a few seconds. Then, she turned to Jason and gave him a scornful look and mumbled, “You, again! You good for nothing…”
Realizing how loud he was, Jason recoiled lower and sat back deep into his seat while nodding his head in an effort to apologize to the crowd. Jason’s eyes met the old lady’s and he couldn’t help it, but lower his head further in embarrassment.
As the guests returned to their immediate tasks again, Jacob laughed at what had just transpired. Since he was already near the food, Jacob motioned to Jason that he would join him as soon as he got his share of the goodies. Then, Jacob began collecting breakfast entrees onto his plate.
“That was some scene you stirred up there!” Jacob said in a non-critical manner as he took a seat opposite to Jason, placing a plate full of breakfast food and cup of coffee onto the table. Jason was still hunched down in his seat. But, now with a company by his side, Jason was feeling more comfortable. He felt brave enough as he sat up a bit higher and perched up closer to Jacob over the table. However, whispering, Jason said, “did you see that old lady leering at me?” and he quickly looked back in the direction of the old lady’s table where she was now seated and working on her freshly replenished food.
“Well, you were loud!” said Jacob as he began to cut his waffles topped with fresh blueberries with melting butter and maple syrup on top of it. There were fresh cooked ham, cheese and tomato omelet next to the waffles, three strips of juicy bacon, and old Johnsonville style breakfast sausages. Shortly after Jacob began his breakfast, Jane and Cathy joined them with their shares of food.
Cathy’s plate was as full as Jacob’s and Jason’s, only better organized. But, Jane brought small portions of fresh mixed fruits, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a cup of coffee which were nicely placed onto a single plate.
“Is that all you’re having? Are you on a diet or something?” Looking at the plate that was in great contrast to his and others around, Jason could not help, but make an observation.
“Yes. I am just having the usual serving of food that I normally have for breakfast. Just don’t want to go overboard. That’s all.” Smiling sheepishly and looking over at Jason’s plate full of intermixed food piled up a mile high, Jane responded.
“Well, that just means more of the good stuff for me!” Jason returned and attacked his food as if there was no tomorrow.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” Cathy asked the group after downing a bite of sourdough bagel and taking a small sip of coffee.
“I am just going to lounge around the pool and by the beach. Take in the sun that we hardly get to—, see in the real world,” said Jason with a mouthful of food causing a break in the middle of his response as he try to down a large piece of omelet. He then quickly drank a large gulp of juice and went back, this time to attacking his pancakes.
“What is your plan, Jane?” Cathy redirected her question to Jane, who looked melancholic and appeared to be distant from the conversation.
“Oh, well, I am not sure yet… But, I am sure that we can find something to do.” With a sense of pensiveness, Jane replied. Then, she looked around the restaurant as if she was searching for something that she had expected to see, but didn’t. Then, she said to Cathy, “What do you want to do?”
Looking out to the pool area, the crystal white beach and the blue waters of the Caribbean ocean, “I think Jason had the right idea. I think I will lounge around the hotel today and take in the views, the warmth, and the breeze,” said Cathy. Looking at Jason who was now, attacking the bacon with vigor, Cathy said, “I said I will join you!” Seeing that Cathy was speaking to him, Jason briefly stopped to nod in approval of Cathy’s intentions.
Jacob took a sip of coffee. It tasted much richer than what he was accustomed to at the Coffee Express House. He frequented the coffee house since enrolling at the university after his retirement from the military. The aroma and the smooth taste of coffee helped bury deep, in his mind, the Seoul experience that he had just relived before coming down for breakfast.
“What about you, Jacob?” Cathy now focused her attention on Jacob.
“Oh! Sorry?” Jacob wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, either.
“What did you want to do today?” Cathy asked again.
“Oh, I wanted to go take some pictures of extinct flowers like Chocolate Cosmos and other vegetation. I figure I get that out of the way since it was one of the reasons for coming here!” Jacob responded, glazing over to Jane in an inconspicuous manner. He was hoping that Jane would notice and decide to join him. But, he was not aware that Jane had a prearranged rendezvous with a mysterious contact.
Jane looked over to Jacob, but said nothing. Then, she went back to taking a bite of fresh strawberry and again looked around for someone or some signs that she may recognize. She found nothing familiar, no noticeable signals, nor even anyone looking in her general direction. Jane appeared a bit nervous and distant from her friends as well as the breakfast time was in full swing. She felt sorry at the same time that she could not commit herself to any activities that her friends were planning for the day. Jacob, feeling a bit disappointed, went back to his coffee and pancakes. Then, he remained silent through most of the breakfast time.
Jason, having secured a date with Cathy, was elated and he was chugging his food down his food pipe. After emptying his plates, glasses of milk, and orange juice, he got up and said, “is anyone up for a second trip to the buffet?” and looked in the directions of his friends as he slowly headed towards the buffet island.
“I’m still working on my first serving, maybe later,” Jacob responded. Cathy looked down on her plate and decided she had enough of what she had brought. So, she decided to scan the buffet one more time, “OK, I think I can use a serving of fresh fruits. I also want to try the breakfast quiche with strawberry, too!” Cathy put down her silverware on top of the plate and folded her used napkin neatly before setting it next to the plate. Then, she got up and caught up with Jason, who was already picking up a clean plate by the buffet station.
“Is anything wrong?” Jacob took the opportunity of being alone with Jane and asked her. With a concerned look, he stared right into Jane’s eyes, waiting for a response. Jane met Jacob’s eyes, but, she looked through them and beyond, still searching for something.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” Jane replied apologetically and looked back at Jacob, this time, trying to be more attentive.
“You seem to be lost in something. I’m just wondering if anything was bothering you.” With the demeanor of a concerned friend, he asked Jane again.
Jane felt the warmth in Jacob’s caring tone. She felt that she could trust Jacob and wanted to tell her story, the story of how she came to take this very trip to Mexico. But, knowing that revealing her story could put Jacob and her friends in danger, she thought better of it.
“I couldn’t fall asleep last night and did not get the needed rest to start the day fresh. Perhaps, this cup of coffee will help me start the day better focused.” After attempting to give an assuring smile, Jane took a small sip from her coffee cup. Immediately after that, yet subtly, her eyes wandered off into the various sections of the restaurant once again. Jacob knew Jane long enough to detect certain uneasiness in her demeanor. He could not help, but autonomously look around the restaurant himself as if he could help her locate whatever it was that she was looking for.
Despite the crowd and noise in the restaurant, unbearable silence pervaded over their table. Jacob grew more concerned and thought that Jane should not be left alone. So, Jacob turned to Jane and as he attempted to say that she should spend the day with him exploring the wildlife of Mexico. However, Jane seemed to have finally discovered something and said, “Excuse me!” and she got up and walked towards the buffet island. Jacob looked up and kept his eyes on Jane as she moved away from the table. He looked into the general direction of where Jane was heading to. Then, he quickly scanned that section of the buffet. But, to his disappointment, he did not find anything unusual.
There were people of all ages, young and old, lined up and slowly moving around the buffet table. They were busy filling their plates with the goods while the restaurant staff busily moved about replenishing the emptying dishes with fresh refills. He wanted to follow Jane in order to find out what was going on. However, he suppressed his urge and sat at his table watching Jane’s every move from afar.
Jane picked up the pace and arrived at the buffet table. Soon, she went around to the opposite side of the table from Jacob’s vantage point and stood behind a long line where the buffet line started. Jane moved slowly closer to the buffet and when she reached the table, she grabbed a clean plate and a set of silverware. Just in front of Jane, Jacob saw a man with a boney facial structure with matching thinness and tall stature. He had golden tan all over his face, arms, and legs. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and matching shorts with green flip flops to complete his attire. There was a beautiful woman next to him in her late twenties, perhaps. They seemed to be enjoying each other’s company and appeared to be traveling together.
It was, perhaps, the woman’s physical attributes that made Jacob turn to them. She looked very attractive, physically fit with long tanned legs fit for a beauty queen. She wore high heels that seemed to raise her buttocks firmly higher and showed off her rounded figure through short pair of shorts. She wore a low cut skin tight fitting shirt, showing off her protruding top form and partially exposing her cleavage. She sported long blonde hair, brushed and shined much too perfectly for an early breakfast. They appeared to be physically opposite, yet seemed to be very close. She was a very attractive woman. Jacob thought that it was odd that he did not notice them before, “an odd couple like that…,” he said as he thought that anyone would readily notice and remember such a couple.
At times, he noticed that the man would murmur something, but not necessarily to his companion. Jane appeared to respond to him by nodding or even picking up and placing on her plate the same food the man chose just prior. But, for all that was worth, it could simply be Jacob’s imagination and conjecture that they were somehow communicating with each other. From the distance, Jacob kept his eyes on Jane to see if he could recognize any patterns in her behavior. He saw the man talking and what appeared to be a timely response from Jane. The blonde next to the man appeared oblivious to her companion. She was focused on getting her plate filled with her choice of foods.
The man moved along the buffet table with the blonde while Jane kept pace with them. All the while, Jane’s body language did not change. She did not make any eye contact with the man, but seemed timid and appeared uneasy at times.
“Hmm, that’s strange…,” thought Jacob since he knew how little Jane normally ate. However, she didn’t seem to want to leave and skip ahead or even move to another part of the buffet section, where healthier choice of foods were being offered.
Finally, Jacob decided to refill his plate and moved to get up from the table to head to the buffet. Not because he was hungry, rather more for the sake of investigating what was going on with Jane. As he got up, Jason and Cathy returned with newly filled plates of food. They met Jacob as he took one step towards Jane.
“Hey buddy! Going for your seconds?” Jason said out loud and stood in front of Jacob, smiling all the while.
“Try the quiche! It was excellent!” Jason added. Reflexively, Jacob moved his eyes to meet Jason and Cathy’s. Then, quickly, he said, “I will. Thanks for the recommendation.”
Then, Jacob hurried to get around Jason and Cathy. He put his hands on Jason’s shoulders and whirled around him, trying not to knock Jason’s plates down on his way. Distracted by his friends, Jacob could not help, but take his eyes off of Jane for a few seconds during this interaction. By the time he got around Jason and looked up to the buffet, Jane, the tanned skinny man and the blonde had already disappeared. Jacob froze for a moment and quickly scanned the entire buffet section. There was no sign of Jane. He turned his head left and right, scanning wider areas of the restaurant, but could not locate the three people. Then, it dawned on him at that moment that many guests were dressed in similar fashion, the Hawaiian attire, shorts and sun baked tans.
Jacob walked up to the platform on which the buffet table was set. He looked around to locate Jane. After a thorough scan, in one corner near the entrance of the restaurant, he saw the blond, sitting in a booth table enjoying her breakfast. Jacob walked towards where she was sitting as fast as he could. When he got there, he saw the old man sitting behind the tall leather booth seat opposite to her, happily chugging away at his ham and cheese omelet. Yet, there wasn’t any sign of Jane.
“Pardon me. I’m looking for someone that you might have been talking to earlier at the buffet island. Might you know where she could be?” Knowing full well that the man wouldn’t be obliged to give him any information, Jacob asked the old man anyway as he came to an abrupt stop at their table.
“I’m sorry. What are you talking about?” Somewhat surprised at this rude interruption, the man replied looking up at Jacob.
“The girl, who was standing behind you at the buffet line, you might have had some casual verbal exchanges…, the girl with a long hair, the brunette?” Looking over to the blond and noting the obvious distinction in the hair color, he had mentioned the word brunette only as an afterthought.
“Young man,” in a condescending tone, the old man said abruptly placing the knife and fork that he was using to negotiate his food on the table, “look around you. How many brunettes do you see in this restaurant?”
Feeling somewhat foolish, Jacob looked up and many brunettes, indeed, came into his view.
Surprisingly, most of the female servers were brunettes and many guests as well. Blondness is somewhat novel and rare as the one world system took shape many decades ago, it seemed.
“I mean, she stood behind you from the beginning of the buffet line until…,” Jacob didn’t remember until what point since Jason had obstructed his view earlier.
“Well, you were making conversation with her while filling your plate with food and she was responding to you!” Going back to the timeline of when the man was at the buffet table, Jacob pressed on.
“I make small talks to many, brunettes, blonds or otherwise. I don’t know who you are looking for. I would suggest that you visit the hotel security and seek their help locating the girl, rather than inconveniencing us or any other guests!” As he said that, he looked up at Jacob to his left and then to his companion sitting opposite to him as if to tell her that this rude stranger will be removed from their table shortly. This helped the girl, who was briefly frozen at Jacob’s insistence go back to her breakfast by taking a small sip of coffee.
The old man brought his elbows, set them on top of the table at shoulder width apart. Interlocking his fingers, he rested his head on top of his hands. Then, turning his head left and upwards, he stared at Jacob, silently requesting him to remove himself from their table.
Jacob knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of this old man. He also knew that any more insistence could land him in trouble with the hotel’s security or VTT, whose realm he was in after all. Feeling defeated, he said to the couple, “my apologies! I am just concerned for my friend and…,” then, a sudden rush of adrenaline came over Jacob as he noticed something that he did not see before. He took another quick look in the old man’s direction. While the old man was resting his head on top of his hands, Jacob had a clear view of the top of the man’s left wrist. Although he was sporting a dark tan all over his body, including his arms and hands, Jacob discovered something familiar on the old man that caused him to freeze abruptly.
On the wrist, he saw a tiny wound that was finely stitched up. It was all so familiar because he had the same one at the exact spot on his wrist. Jacob received the scar of distinction, the honored signet when he had joined the ‘Shadow One’ unit of the UN Special Forces. ‘Is this man a former member? Who is this man?’ His head spinning, Jacob couldn’t help but wonder about this man’s identity.
“I thought that you might remember her from earlier.” After a short pause, Jacob was able to complete his sentence, his eyes still drawn to the scar.
“I wish I can help you. Unfortunately, I don’t recall talking to a girl that you are describing to me.” Feeling sudden change in Jacob’s manner, the old man responded in less offensive way, rather, he appeared as if he actually wanted to help.
“I am sorry! Perhaps, I was mistaken.” Jacob apologized to the couple for interrupting their breakfast.
“Good luck, finding the girl,” replied the old man.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll find her!” The blond chimed in indifferently while chewing her food loudly.
With that, Jacob turned and headed back towards his table. Buried deep in thoughts as to the identity of the old man, he was troubled not knowing on what side the man stood, the good or the bad. Jacob recognized the scar and there was no mistake. His concerns immediately turning to Jane, Jacob murmured to himself “what is it that she got herself into?”
Jacob was certain that the old man at the booth was talking with Jane. He needed to find her and determined to watch over her. On his way back to his table, he looked around again some more to locate Jane.
Finally, to his relief, Jacob saw Jane as he came back near his table. She was there already sitting and drinking her coffee while chitchatting with Jason and Cathy. Nonetheless, Jacob’s concern did not diminish. He came to the table as if nothing had happened.
“Jane, where were you?” Jacob asked very casually.
“Oh, had to run to the powder room and grabbed a fresh cup of coffee” was all that Jane said. Then, she went back to listening to Jason, who was talking about his grand plan for the day at the pool.
All the while, the old man watched Jacob as he walked back to his table. He sensed trouble with this young man that seemed to have deep interest in Jane. Right then and there, the old man had already decided to address Jacob with his associates once his mission in Mexico comes to an end.
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